Downloadable software examples & drivers
Generic software
examples, utilities & drivers are
available to accompany our full range of products.
Index Quickstart Guide & Installation Instructions
LabView Version 6 Runtime Engine (RTE) - LabView 7.1 DAQPodMx_LV_7_1 (822 kb)
USB & serial port relay & DIO cards (4, 8, 16 and 24 channel cards)
USB16VI card
USBDIO24 card
USBDO96 card
LabView & Excel (Write to cell & Read from cell examples) | |
LabView & Excel generic example program (inc LabView library files) - LV versions 5 & 6 | |
USB generic (FTDI) driver (Win 98SE/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11) | |
This driver file is required before connecting any of our USB card products (except the USB1208LS DAQ). Extract the zip file prior to connecting the USB card. When the USB card is connected for the first time, you will need to direct the installer to load the appropriate driver from the extracted file directory that you have created. Please note: there are two drivers installed during the install procedure (the low level device drivers and the Virtual Com Port (VCP) drivers). You do not need to reboot your PC following installation of the USB drivers. Once installed, the USB card will appear as a new (virtual) com/serial port. You will need to use the Control Panel/ Hardware Device manager to determine the Com Port number that your PC has assigned to the connected USB card. Note: You only need to install the USB driver during first installation of the USB card.
Generic example program
(.exe) USB & Serial card generic output example program (executable) (0.5Mb) |
This program is designed as a generic example program and can be used with any of of USB or serial port Relay & DIO cards (except the USB1208LS DAQ card). It can be used as a basic test program to check correct operation of the card on first installation. It should be extracted and the executable run from the unzipped directory. It does not require any other library files - it is designed to run as a simple, standalone executable. (In addition to the application (.exe file), this directory also contains the LabVIEW version 6.02 library files). Note: If using this program in conjunction with any of our USB cards, you must first install the USB generic (FTDI) driver driver as detailed above. Once installed, the USB card will appear as a new (virtual) com/serial port. The virtual com port number needs to be selected when you first run this example program. Labview note: If you don't already have it installed on your PC, you will need to download and install the following program: LabView Runtime 6.02 RTE (10.6 Mb) prior to running the above example application (.exe).This program is the National Instruments Run Time Engine (RTE) version 6.02 - it is required by the above executable (.exe). If you already have LV 6 or LV6 RTE installed on your PC, you don't need to do it again. Note: You only need to install the USB driver during first installation of the USB card. |
Generic example programs (Labview) |
Example LabView utility that demonstrates the output functionality of the 4, 8, 16 & 24 channel relay & digital output cards. It has the same functionality as the '.exe' example program above. (You can address individual digital channels or 'auto-cycle' all of the outputs in turn). | |
LabView Version 5 USB & SERIAL Cards - Generic Test Module (LV5 - Traditional Serial Vi's) (LLB) (450 Kb) LabView Version 6 USB & SERIAL Cards - Generic Test Module (LV6 - Traditional Serial Vi's) (LLB) (500 Kb) LabView Version 7.1 USB & SERIAL Cards - Generic Test Module (LV7.1 - VISA Serial Vi's) (LLB) (415 Kb) LabView Version 8 USB & SERIAL Cards - Generic Test Module (LV8 - VISA Serial Vi's) (LLB) (300 Kb)
Generic example programs (Visual Basic) |
Similar functionality to the '.exe' example program above. It demonstrates the output functionality of the 4, 8, 16 & 24 channel relay & digital output cards. (You can select the serial port number, address individual digital channels or 'auto-cycle' all of the outputs in turn). USB & SERIAL Cards - Generic Test Module (Visual Basic example)
Generic example programs (Visual C) |
Similar functionality to the '.exe' example program above. It demonstrates the output functionality of the 4, 8, 16 & 24 channel relay & digital output cards. (You can select the serial port number, address individual digital channels or 'auto-cycle' all of the outputs in turn). USB & SERIAL Cards - Generic Test Module (Visual C example) Also a simple Visual C program to control a USB4xxx board:
Generic example programs (Agilent) |
Similar functionality to the example programs above. It demonstrates the output functionality of the USB/serial relay & digital output cards. (This example was kindly submitted by Colin Orford of RTK Instruments). USBSER Cards - Agilent VEE USBDO24 Relay Cycle Generic Test (4 Kb)
Generic example programs (Delphi V.6) |
Similar functionality to the example programs above. It demonstrates the output functionality of the USB/serial relay & digital output cards. (This example was kindly submitted by an Australian customer). USBSER Cards - Generic Test (Delphi V6 Relay Card Control Example) (507 Kb)
Python 2.7 and 3.6 example programs | |
Generic example programs for use with our USB8VI4DIOR card |
Example generic program that demonstrates the I/O functionality of the USB8VI4DIOR, 8 channel opto isolated voltage input /4 channel DIO /Relay card. If you want to run the executable and do not already have a copy of the LabView 6 Runtime Engine (RTE), you will need to download a copy of it and install it, prior to attempting to run the executable (see link below). The zip file contains a generic executable example as well as the source code for the example. |
LabView (Version 6 - files) example USB8VI4DIOR Generic Test Module (LV6 - LLB + exe files) - (224Kb) LabView Runtime Engine (Version 6) |
Similar functionality to the '.exe' example program above. It demonstrates the input channel function & the output functionality of the 4 relays & digital outputs. (You can select the USB/serial port number, address individual digital channels or 'auto-cycle' all of the outputs in turn).
Visual Basic example
Visual C example
LabView generic example program for use with our USB16VI card |
generic program that demonstrates the input functionality of the USB16VI,
16 opto isolated, voltage input channel card.
If you want to run the executable and do not already have a copy of the LabView 6 Runtime Engine (RTE), you will need to download a copy of it and install it, prior to attempting to run the executable (see link below). The zip file contains a generic executable example as well as the source code for the example.
LabView (Version 6 - files) example
LabView Runtime Engine (Version
6) |
Similar functionality to the '.exe' example program above. It demonstrates the input channel function of the 16 opto isolated voltage input channels. (You can select the USB/serial port number, address individual digital channels or 'auto-cycle' all of the outputs in turn).
Visual Basic example Visual C example
Python, LabView, VB & VC generic example programs for use with our USBDO96 card |
Example generic programs that demonstrate auto cycling output functionality of the USBDO96 digital output card. The zip file contains a generic executable example as well as the source code for the example.
Python 3.6 Sequential relay (output) test
Python 3.6 datasheet examples 1 to 6
LabView (Version 7 - LLB files) example
LabView (Version 7) Executable (.exe) example
LabView (Version 6) Executable (.exe) example
LabView Runtime Engine (Version 6)
Visual Basic example
Visual C example |
LabView version 5 examples: Note: in order for these examples to work, you must first open Excel and create the default 'book1.xls' file at the root directory (c:/book1.xls). |
Write to specified worksheet/cell example: OpenExcelwritetospecifiedcellActiveXexample.llb Read from specified worksheet/cell example: OpenExcelReadfromspecifiedcellActiveXexample.llb
LabView version 6 examples: Note: in order for these examples to work, you must first open Excel and create the default 'book1.xls' file at the root directory (c:/book1.xls). |
Write to specified worksheet/cell example: OpenExcelwritetospecifiedcellActiveXexampleLV602.llb Read from specified worksheet/cell example: OpenExcelReadfromspecifiedcellActiveXexampleLV602.llb
LabView version 7.1 & 8 examples - (Tested with Excel 2002 & 2003/WinXP): Note: in order for these examples to work, you must first open Excel and create the default 'book1.xls' file at the root directory (c:/book1.xls). |
Write to & read from specified worksheet/cell example